Monday, April 10, 2006

What Do We Know, And What Can We Guess?

Tell me again, please, why are we in Iraq?
  1. Iraq had no WMD and the administration knew this.
  2. Saddam had no links to 9/11 and the administration knew this.
  3. Saddam was not linked to Al Qaeda and the administration knew this.
I suspect that when we combine
  • the lingering dissatisfaction from the Gulf War (that we didn't continue on to Baghdad then) with
  • the "fortuitous" occurrence of 9/11 (carpe diem) and
  • the neo-con desire to remake the world to their liking (an opportunity created by the dissolution of the USSR, the only other "big boy" on the block)
we have the best, simplest and most comprehensive explanation of all.

What's with the Iran thing?
It seems the administration has a list of demons we need to confront and destroy. Once again we are threatened by WMD, though in this case it's in the future, not today. According to international treaties, the UN charter, etc., to which the US is a signatory, the invasion of Iraq was an unjustified war of aggression, essentially making it a war crime and its perpetrators war criminals. The administration likes to fudge things by skirting the issue of Iraq's danger, sort of a fait accompli, nothing to see here, please move along. In Iran's case the best the administration can do is read the crystal ball and thank their lucky stars that Iranian leader Ahmadinejad is so accomodating. Iran doesn't seem to have a "unitary executive" in that Ahmadinejad doesn't really pull the strings and there's even some confusion over his "threats" towards Israel, that he may have been echoing Ariel Sharon who claimed the Gaza pullout simply made that problem vanish. Whatever, Iran does not constitute a direct and imminent threat to US and going to war there would also be illegal. There are news reports, not contradicted by the administration, that we currently have Special Forces in Iran to
  • identify targets for bombing
  • make contact with and stir up opposition groups, and
  • engage in acts of sabotage
If anyone did those things here we would call those people terrorists and those acts terrorism. In America it's an article of faith that we are the good guys and don't do such things. Not everyone agrees.

What's with the Hitler thing? Isn't he dead?
Before the Iraq war Saddam was called a Hitler. Now, in just the past few days, our administration tells us that Hitler has moved into Iran. An elusive guy. Being in the library the other day looking up a book on ancient Greece I noticed a bright red book a couple shelves away and discovered it was Mein Kampf. I had never read it nor had any desire to. But I started thumbing through it and checked it out and then went through it cover to cover. Hitler wrote it (he may have dictated it - pun intended) while in jail and it was published a decade before he was appointed Chancellor by Hindenburg. The remarkable thing is that he stated in great detail precisely what he intended to do when he got power:
  1. be the supreme Leader, with very anti-parliamentary, anti-democratic plans;
  2. separate the population by heritage, racial Aryanism, and forbid the unfit to breed;
  3. reunite the Germans into one nation;
  4. expand the country by gaining "soil" in the East through Poland and into Russia;
  5. conquer France which he saw as Germany's mortal enemy
et cetera, et cetera. I've only touched on a few points and stated his position in much more mild language than he used. Hitler was a nut case, a true megalomaniac, who saw himself as a Messiah. He wrote that his plan was work that would take a thousand years to accomplish.

Mein Kampf is a remarkable book. He doesn't actually say the he will exterminate people (Jews, Marxists, the "unfit") though that is an undercurrent. What is most striking is that Hitler was very open and straightforward: he didn't lie, evade or use euphemisms. For a decade before he seized power and and a decade and a half before war started his desires and plans were out in the open for all to see, yet nobody stopped him, even after gaining power and initiating his plans. Hitler told everyone what he was going to do and no one stopped him.

So what's with this ancient history?
In the United States we have a political climate where elected officials go out of their way to duck issues, use double talk, and just plain lie when deemed necessary. Few like the way things are going with Iraq, Iran, the economy, privacy and civil rights but with rare exceptions no elected officials take stands. And the administration acts very authoritarian while claiming to be following the laws and supporting democracy. This is all very Orwellian.

In talking with an acquaintance the other day this person puts trust in Hilary Clinton and the 2008 election. To a liberal Democrat Sen. Clinton has some appeal though mostly over social issues. But when it comes to the war and civil liberties she might as well be a Republican. Tigers can't change stripes and people don't grow spines after winning office. In this regard Hitler was refreshing: be open, shout it from the rooftops and fight to win.

Hey! I've got a crystal ball too.
Does the administration really care about us and our democracy and our safety? Consider:
  • Terrorists and terroristic incidents are increasing worldwide since our invasion and the administration admits this.
  • For all the hoopla about 9/11 reinforced cockpit doors and clear policy for hijackings would prevent a repeat.
  • I read we have 11 million illegal immigrants; our borders are porous.
  • The true residue of that Dubai ports deal is that only about 5% of incoming shipping containers are inspected. The administration simply won't dedicate enough money and personnel to truly protect our borders.
  • Revelations this past week over "vacuum" sweeps of internet traffic by the NSA. If the government really wants to change the Constitution, our social contract, they should introduce proposed amendments in Congress and submit these to the voters. Of course, Hitler didn't bother with legalities either. His was a very unitary executive.
  • The latest reporting, totally consonant with the past several years, is that our Leader thinks he's on a mission from God and wants to "solve the Iran problem" as part of his legacy to us. Our Messiah has arrived!
  • Where are our own good Germans?
  • General Tommy Franks has been quoted saying that another 9/11 and the military will take over.

What makes you think there will even be an election in 2008?

Addendum: What should strike any observer reviewing the past few years is that our President and his administration has shown contempt for the truth, contempt for laws, treaties, the Constitution itself, contempt for human rights, contempt for the voters and democracy. Is there any reason to believe that change will occur unless the people actively pursue change? Fool me once....


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