Thursday, March 09, 2006

Simplify, Simplify (Is This What Thoreau Really Meant?)

The Congress is getting ready to pass legislation authorizing the administration’s warrantless spying, simulataneously refusing to investigate that spying to date. This seems a bit odd. If they need to legalize it now wouldn’t that imply it was illegal until now? Wouldn’t this at least merit some investigation and a “consensus of the senate” which is sort of a ’sounds good - does nothing’ ploy of occasional use? Perhaps what the Congress should be debating is dissolving the two seemingly useless branches of government. Maybe we need a Constitutional amendment changing our form of government to have only our ‘unitary’ president.

If we are willing to subject ourselves to a ‘domineering dad’ then why bother having representative democracy in the first place? Democracy has become something of a code word. It means that our Leader can do whatever He wants since Father Knows Best. Our Leader can arrest and incarcerate the Supreme Court and the Congress if they attempt to interfere with His actions. After all He’s on a Mission From God, and any attempts to stymie His actions would only be giving aid and comfort to the enemy, thereby making them terrorists. And we are apparently in what they call a generational conflict. I don’t know why the administration is so short-sighted. The Boston Tea Party would qualify as terrorism and that was over two centuries ago. It seems more likely we are in a permanent, eternal (after all, God’s involved), state of war.

So, our Leader will lead us and protect us. His minions will read our words and hear our speech and see our actions and know our thoughts. This should almost guarantee our getting to heaven. Our Father The Leader will rewrite Genesis so that even sin will be impossible. Free will wasn’t all it was cracked up to be. And knowledge isn’t very useful; our Leader has shown even a Dunce can save and protect us. And for those of us who may still harbor some doubts just give it some more time. You’ll come around; you’ll see the light. And if you don’t, KBR , from Herr Bormann’s former bailiwick, will have a nice home for you.


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