Does The Prez Want Our Resignation?
Our dear Leader was in the news again today saying "all options are on the table" to prevent Iran from developing nuclear weapons. This was in response to a question that asked about our using nuclear weapons. To far too many people around the world the United States is becoming the "rogue nation" who threatens world peace and stability. When the Iraq invasion occurred it was to answer the "single question" as to Saddam's possession of WMD. Answered in the negative the new mission was to bring democracy to Iraq. As we have subsequently learned, the regime knew beforehand that they would find no WMD. This war in Iraq is just a very brutal continuation of longstanding US policy of controlling the world's energy resources. It just coincidentally funnels huge profits into the regime's best buddies in the billionaire business world.
If you actually follow the story in the mainstream press you will discover that even knowledge about refining high-grade uranium is to be denied to Iran. However, as a sovereign nation and a member of NPT Iran has the right to develop nuclear energy for peaceful purposes. But this also is to be denied to Iran. In fact, Bush is setting the table in such a way that nothing short of a war will be on the menu. And commentators keep harping that Iran has to meet its international responsibilities with no evidence that Iran is non-compliant, meanwhile trying to work a deal with India which has The Bomb and is not an NPT signatory. And the promised deal with India actually violates US law. But Bush has declared himself above the law. I guess he is the law.
It's weird how they keep demonizing Iranians as the new Hitler since anyone who knows or learns about Nazi Germany and Hitler and his cronies can see the distinct parallels not in Iran or Saddam's Iraq but in the United States. Mussolini, who coined the term fascism, saw it as the corporate state. It's the alliance between the Big Boys in Business and their allies in political office. Think through the past years in America: loss of jobs, diminishing incomes, medical care and other benefits, tax law changes that have hugely enriched the already rich, the income and wealth disparaties, the large corporate profits, the obscene incomes and pension plans of CEOs, the outright corruption in corporations and the Congress. In any society there is always a tension between rising and falling incomes, developing and dying industries, but in the move to an outright fascist state this elasticity is severed: they soar while we sink.
And this develops how?
- frighten us into obedience with demonized enemies;
- push our own version of religious fundamentalism with a mission from god;
- decide only our enemies commit evil deeds while we are immune by definition;
- pass laws that allow for (ruthless) suppression of the home population;
- realize that knowledge is power and thus make government activity secret;
- simultaneously undermine the rule of law (Bush's signing statements) and the laws apply to us but not to him
- international agreements that protect the investors but not the people;
- marginalize government outside the executive, the Congress and the Courts;
- promote the Leader principle.
This only begins to touch on the dangerous and outrageous behavior of the regime and even the above may not be clear to any who have not been following their actions (those few that we can learn about). Since Hitler keeps coming up we should note that pre-Hitler Germany was considered the cultural jewel of Europe, yet it sank into barbarism. Germans, at least not enough of them, didn't see it coming or were too complacent to stop the coming disaster. And I imagine we who live in the US will behave likewise. Our livelihoods are being eroded, our rights restricted, our future endangered. If our ruling junta really cared about protecting us from terrorism it wouldn't be leading us down the road to a generation of war and destruction. But we are ruled by fanatics who don't care about us or our children and certainly don't care about democracy.